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Shaking Hands with Wisdom Book Offer

Shaking Hands with Wisdom Book Offer

Shaking Hands with Wisdom Book Offer

  • One (1) Shaking Hands with Wisdom Book Offer

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One (1) Shaking Hands with Wisdom Book Offer

“Shaking Hands with Wisdom,” is an epic tool that is needed in the lives of every mentor and mentee. Authors Bishop Ron Webb and Amber M. Brown share powerful revelation that will challenge you to learn how to help and serve others. Mentorship is a special part of God’s plan of keeping the world going and operating in Wisdom and Excellence. From the knowledge gained by the authors, they will show us that when walking in mentorship, the mentee will have different experiences than the mentor and vise versa. Also, when you put them both together, we can visit the values and intentions of true mentorship at its core. “Shaking Hands with Wisdom,” will give you strategies to reach back and pull others to where you are, only to help them grow and push them even further than you. We always want others to become more! Many talk about mentorship and the importance of it. But there’s nothing like reading a book written and collaborated by both the mentor and the mentee first hand to guide, challenge, and charge you to seek more not just for yourself but to pass what you learn unto others.

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Bishop Ron Webb

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